What can you use this type of argument for in the work place? How might the thought process that goes into this type of argument help you in your everyday life. How does the group work we do in class add to the prewriting that you do for this argument?
you can use this type of argument in the work place say you are trying to get another company to join your company. they are going to have there views and feelings about your company already. so you have to persuade them to join by giving a two sided argument of the good and bad. plus a good solution to solving there problems and how joining your company will do that. it helps you in everyday life because if you think about both sides of an argument and how the other person may feel then you could understand things in life more. the group work helps because as we are writing we get feedback from our classmates which later most likely will be our audience on our prewriting. that is also a good part of prewriting considering your audience.
You can use this type of argument in the work place pretty much to get what you want, or to came to an agreement with co workers or supervisors etc.. Same deal in everyday life, getting what you want but going about it in such a way that you don't seem manipulitive. The group work helps with the prewriting because it helps give you a feel for how to really break down your argument and choose angles that you might not of thought of before. Its good for critical thinking, getting other peoples perspective will help you to try to identify with your audience.
In the military the chiefs (E-7 and above) would call this a point paper. If you thought something should be done differently or better they write a point paper. the point paper outlined why it should be done that way. The main difference is that in the military they only want your view because, as I was told on more than one occasion, they now what they think. In everyday life though thinking like this helps me to be more tolerant. It enables me to see things from my adversary's perspective. The group write helped me to narrow down what I wanted to write. I was having a hard time settling on a topic. Being able to talk to some one helped to to hash it out - I ended up with a topic I didn't even think of previously.
As a matter of fact, my paper is based on my job in the real world I have been an ER nurse for 14 years and have seen alot of problems with the system, and have also witnessed solutions to some of these poblems as well. There can be all kinds of problems in the world in which we live in, but an important thing is tyring to come up with a solution. It's the only way to possibly make the problems go away.
The argument help outin the work life very well. The only thing you might want to remember is not to try t push the wrong people this meaning maybe bosses, and or other co workers thay also might be offended by your ideas. Its very important to be conciderate of other peoples feeling and beliefs.
If your company faces any kind of decisions, then this kind of argument is important if you want to persuade your coworkers or supervisors to take one side over another. Being able to come up with a solution to conflicts in the workplace and find a compromise is a valuable trait for workers to bring to the office.
Problem solution argument in the work place can be used to convince what you think is the best for the company. The thought process helps you in every day life by improving your debating skills and getting whatever you want. Group work enables us to classify and understand the audience.
within the work place, this argument is ideal to persuade and establish a reasonable and logical 'solution' to a 'problem'. it is important to have a broad and complex thought process, and also take in consideration the different thought processes of the other brains in the work place. the group work in class helps the student listen to others' opinions because they are the peers. listening to the audience will help aid the student in creating a paper with substance and depth.
problem solution argument is used to come up with one common goal when there are two different sides. you can use this argument in the workplace by evening out the pros and cons and seeing which best fits for the company. the same way goes for life, you think of your pros and cons and come up with a final agreement on what you think is best for the situation. the group work in class helps because something they think you should change or add and you not agreeing, you can argue your case and come up with a solution on what both of you think.
Can use this type of argument to change processes that arent as smooth as they could be, or to create new ones to address specific issues. Group work helps with this process by providing input from other people's perspectives, that way you can include more ideas in the prewriting.
You can use this argument to resolve conflicts at the workplace. You can also use it in everyday life like if you were in a confrintation with someone over a car accident for example, you could use your words to resolve the problem. The group work helps with prewriting by giving more information and topics to talk about in the paper.
You can use this type of argument in the work place to your advantage to get what you want. Using the explaining the good and bad of what you want. But also showing the common ground on how it will benefit more. But you have to be careful how you do this because you dont want to upset the wrong people.
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